jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

My experience learning English.

English is a language widely used today worldwide. While Chile is very little that this language is taught in schools, it has become necessary to increase such instruction, as in careers, jobs and technology that exists and will appear every day, must have at least basic English. That's why from basic education is teaching children to learn English, and have also created courses and institutions that also teach this language, so that in a few years this language is implemented in Chile.

Since I was a child I have taught English in the schools where I studied. When I was in basic education only saw the basic words of English, then at higher levels were teaching us a lot more vocabulary, how to create sentences and speaking this language which has a pronunciation very difficult in my opinion.
To me it was very difficult to learn English, because from a very young age I have a lot of attention this language, because my favorite band, The Backstreet Boys sing their songs in English, and to understand what said the lyrics of their songs I was familiar with the language when translating, which has greatly facilitated me to understand also what is a film or other material that is written with this language.

For me it was very important to learn English, because in today's society increasingly requires more handling this.
Since I entered university to study midwifery, I have learned more than I had seen before in both basic education and in secondary education
, in fact, now handling a lot more vocabulary that is related to the area of health, and have useful for understanding many papers that we send our teachers to study the various subjects that we have, as well as many books to understand the health area which are only in this language and are very useful to develop in my professional future.

English is essential with each passing day in our society, since little has been increasing in all the language we use or do, and this is reflected in the new technology out there, in studies in the world work, and all television programs transmitted, so it is essential to teach very young children the language, to become familiar and be able to master English very well for the near future.

domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010

Pelusa, my beautiful dog.

In this occasion I will talk about my pet, Pelusa.

She is a dog of Labrador with pointer and came to our house when she was 1 month old. Our next door neighbor gave us on December 24, 2009.

My dog was then very small, she was measuring 20 cm and was happening eating and sleeping all the time. She did not like being alone, always she was finding the way of entering to our house and stood near us so that we took and I did love, and while we did it again was put to sleep.

After 2 weeks she became ill, she spent crying and would not eat anything, and when he did after a while she vomited everything. We all were very concerned and decided to take her to the veterinarian, who told us he was immunosuppressed because they had separated very early from her mother. The vet put my dog some vaccines and also gave her vitamins to recover soon.

After a week my dog was already recovered, she was eating with normality and was sleeping without problems.

When she came to our house we all thought it would be a very quiet dog and would have no problem with her, but around the time that has passed we realized that we were very wrong, and we must be very aware of it and be careful not to leave anything to her scope, because everything what she plunders bites it and leaves it in thousand pieces, and in any carelessness, she there is the way of entering to the house and to be raised to all the beds, and then there is no way to get it out.

Despite all the headaches that has caused us, we love her every day more.

jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010


In the last class we had the visit of the Dr. Pedro Maldonado, who realized a presentation about the human brain and the myths of this.

The brain is an organ of the nervous system rich in neurons with specialized functions. It contains about 100 billion neurons, each one can connect with thousands of others made synapses that allows brain function. Thanks to the circuits formed by nervous cells or neurons, is capable of processing sensory information from the exterior world and from the own body, and recovers sensory functions, motor functions and less defined integration features associated with various mental activities.

It is not rare to hear comments and statements about the brain that are far from certain

Among the myths that exist in relation to the human brain is that we only use 10% of this, which has been shown that this is erroneous because the man occupies 100% of this, it yes, not simultaneously. (In fact, only in big epileptic fits it is when it is possible to come to use 100 % of the brain to the unison). We used brain regions depending on the activity we are doing.

In addition, brain scans have shown that when we do work almost all brain areas, including much of this is working while we sleep.

Another myth we have is that the human brain is the biggest, which is false, since there are other animals have major brains than humans. What has demonstrated important in studies of intelligence is not the total brain size, but the relationship between brain and body weight.

In my view the presentation made by Dr. Maldonado was very good and very interesting because it clarified many doubts we had about this issue and we also clarified the myths about our brains.

This topic is very important for my career, because with the information provided we can guide our patients about the importance of the stimulation to infants according to their age and learning that everything is going according to specific period.

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

Blog 5: Abortion.

In the last class of English we were visited by Professor Lorena Binfa, who works as a midwife. She told us in his talk the history of abortion in our country, the visions we have of this and the various forms that exist today in our country and in others for birth control.

The abortion in our country is a taboo subject, and also very controversial, since it is considered to be a murder to a defenseless being, and for some years it is considered to be an illegal practice, and by this it was decided to penalize the one who realizes it. Also this topic is rejected by the Catholic Church.

The abortion not only brings with it the murder of the defenseless one, but also, it puts in risk the life of the woman in the moment in which it is realized. Today there is the abortion pill that is not accepted by our legislation, but in other countries such as Sweden, it is legal to give women who want this pill, provided it is before the age of 3 months of pregnancy.

In my opinion in Chile sexism still exists, as no considering the views of women about what they believe and want, and not given the opportunity of their choice whether or not a child. Y this is demonstrated as Chilean law, which are decision makers on these topics is composed mostly of men.

Despite this, I do not agree with the topic of the abortion, since though the woman has right to decide what wants, nowadays diverse forms exist to control the birthrate and there is a very good accessibility to obtaining contraceptives, since these the women are given them in the doctor's offices, or, they can accede to them in the pharmaceutical trade.

sábado, 9 de octubre de 2010


Every day we meet people who spend most of his time working within these people are health workers who live overwhelmed and anxious to seek perfection in perform the work space neglecting important aspects of the life as the family and the friends. These are situations which often lead to individuals become addicted to their jobs and the same are which usually cause stress.

In Chile 40% of work absence is caused by stress and 30% of medical leave due to cause of this disease.

The stress can be caused by multiple factors that are affecting the person and that are producing a negative reaction in the emotional field of this one, inside the factors we find: the physiological (diseases and injuries of the body), psychological (emotional vulnerability, interpersonal troubled or insufficient relations, frustrating conditions of work or study, etc.), social (social changes in which every epoch brings new challenges to confronting, technological intensive changes that the person cannot integrate, etc.) and environmental (supply denaturalized with industrial toxins, places of work with little safety, catastrophes, etc.)

Some of the symptoms that the stress presents are emotions of anxiety, irritability, fear, fluctuation of the spirit, confusion; thoughts of excessive self-criticism, difficulty to concentrate and to think decisions, worry for the future, excessive fear of the failure; crying, impulsive reactions, sudden treatment to the others, to creak the teeth or to press the jaws; increase of the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs; major predisposition to accidents; increase or decrease of the appetite; cold or sweaty hands, headache, problems of back or neck, disturbances of the dream, stomach discomfort, rough breathing or throbs, between others.

The strategies to confront the stress seek to anticipate or to control the excesses in the demands proceeding from the environment or of us themselves. Some strategies that have tried to be effective, and that they can help you to face situations of many tension are: to relax realizing activities that allow him to renew physics and psychologically, to realize exercises, to support a healthy diet, to organize his time, to try to support realistic expectations and to share his emotions.

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010


Today I will talk about contraceptive methods, which are those that prevent or reduce significantly the possibilities of a fertilization or a pregnancy in the sexual relations. The contraceptive methods were instrumental in making decisions about birth control (number of children they want to or not have), pregnancy prevention and in reducing the number of not wished pregnancies and teenage pregnancies. The methods given after sexual relations are called emergency contraception.

These methods are very important to our society because today there are many teenagers who start at an early age, his sex life, and often do not take the necessary measures to prevent a not wished pregnancy, as well as to prevent transmitted infections sexual.

The emergency contraception pill, which is a method that is administered after intercourse, has been a very controversial topic and discussed in the last times in our country, as it has tried to reach an agreement on whether or not abortion . There have been many studies on this subject, and one of them is that performed by Dr. Carlos Valenzuela of the human genetics program at the University of Chile, who in his article mentions the effectiveness of emergency contraceptive pill, "Levonorgestrel" , which would be more effective within the first 24 hours after intercourse, with 56.1% efficiency, whereas if taken thereafter at 25-48 hours after their efficiency decreases to 38.2%.

With regard to the emergency contraception pill, I think that you should not promote people because we must educate the population which are contraceptive methods that exist today, and this is a very important topic for me future as a professional midwife, because our duty is to inform teenagers and anyone who has begun their sex lives about contraceptive methods that are appropriate for them, as well as ensure the development of sexual life as conscious, responsible and healthy as possible.

lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010

BLOG 2: Supernatural.

This time I will talk about an American television series that I love "Supernatural", the series is televised on The CW Network. In are now six seasons and will be released soon the seventh season.

This series narrates the exploits of two brothers, Dean and Sam Winchester, who travel throughout the United States in your car Chevrolet Impala black, 1967 model and work investigating and combating paranormal events and unexplained, many of them based on the urban legends American culture, as well as classic supernatural creatures such as vampires, werewolves, ghosts and demons. This work comes from family, since his father John Winchester began with the demons' hunt since his wife died to hands of the demon of the yellow eyes when his children were very young.

When Dean and Sam grew they continued with the search of the demon that killed his mother, since his father also died in his search. Since then, the Winchester brothers in the company of other hunters, some of them friends of the family, have faced all kinds of demons that are protecting the leader of the demons that prevent this meeting, which later knows that it are not anything less than Lucifer.

Lucifer to see that these brothers are killing many demons decides prepare Sam to take his place, as it is in their veins the blood of Lucifer, because it gave her to drink when he was just a baby and then killed her mother.

Later God to see what is happening on Earth, decides to send an angel, Castiel who will have to help and guide the brothers in the search of Lucifer and to prevent Sam from turning into demon, and this way to finish of a good time with so much evil and prevent the deaths of innocent people who are possessed by demons.

Since then there has been an endless fight between the good and evil, where both demons, and hunters have died, coming untied this way such a been afraid Apocalypse.

viernes, 20 de agosto de 2010

BLOG 1: My favorite book.

In this opportunity I will talking about the book of Gabriel García Márquez, "Crónicas de una muerte anunciada".

I really liked this book because it tells the story of Santiago Nasar, a man who would be killed, but it was one of the few people who did not know this, because almost all the people who lived in was aware of what would happen.

The twin brothers Pablo and Pedro Vicario due to a misunderstanding were the ones who killed Santiago Nasar, because her little sister Angela Vicario gave his name saying he was guilty of the beating he handed the day that she had married with Bayardo San Román, who returned to their parents to discover that she was not a virgin.

They chose the best two knives, a butcher and another for cleaning, but they were removed in the canteen where they waited for Santiago to kill him, so they went to get two knives that were rusty and wrapped in newspaper. Subsequently these knives sharpened them, weeping as he repeated that they would kill Santiago.

When found he handed seven major injuries that caused a hemorrhage and subsequent death of Santiago.

I had the opportunity to read this book when I was in 1st half at the Liceo Carmela Carvajal, as it was required reading in the subject of Language and Communication.

This book was recommended by the teacher in charge of the subject, and the whole level had to read it because it was evaluated with a test.

This book I found very interesting as it was written by Gabriel García Márquez, who is a well known writer, and also because it tells the story based on a true story of a man who awoke one morning, not knowing that the nightmare had was an omen of his own death, which was known by almost all the people, but still warned him not coming up to finalize the murder of him due to a misunderstanding.

jueves, 1 de julio de 2010

BLOG 9: Last Blog.

Looking around the blogs I've done before I realized that the most frequent mistakes were committed with respect to sentence structure, because many times the word of this was in another position of prayer, so changing the meaning. I also had mistakes in as few words were written according to the meaning of the sentence and technical words, since before the blogs I was not aware of how they were called to the professionals of Obstetrics, and here you can see that called midwives.

When carrying out the blogs I can learn new words, as “midwifery”, “furthermore”, "schedule", “complaint” and also the use of "Too" and "Enough", among others.

In my point of view the topics we discussed in the blogs have been very consistent at the level of English we are also practitioners who are studying, and he has given us the opportunity to project into the future and see what would be our ideal job in that specialty and the conditions under which we would exercise our profession.

Conduct the first blogs I did very elaborate and difficult to achieve what is asked because it made me very difficult to make the structure of the sentence was appropriate and made sense.

Looking at the blogs of my colleagues I have as I realize that many of them have an impressive ability to create interesting stories and understandable to anyone who reads it, and I could see very well follow the instructions and comply with what been asked.

I have learned through the blogs which is very important to know English, as being a future health professional, I have to deal with this language and to understand the documents that are in this language and that are related to the profession I'm studying.

jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

BLOG 8: My Ideal Job.

This time I will talk about which would be my ideal job.

When I graduated as a midwife I would like to work in a public health center, but it was different from that already exist in our country. My ideal would be that this consultorio was a very pleasant, friendly and very natural, to the attention of the user during the process of pregnancy, labor and subsequent recovery unforgettable.

I would like the consultorio was located in an area accessible to all users that want to attend, this place should be surrounded by many green areas, for the very natural environment, quiet and clean air to breathe every day.

The kind of people that I especially would like to attend to those users who do not have accessibility to care at a hospital with many luxuries such as those found today, because these are of very high monetary cost.

I would like to be the boss of this new place to put into practice all the ideas I have in mind of what a cozy and pleasant place to live the beautiful process of pregnancy and childbirth.

I would like to specialize in neonatology as well Puerperium, since both are from my total satisfaction, and because my ideal is that both the newborn and the mother are a natural and very specialized care during their stay in the consultorio.

The responsibility for this new health center would be shared with staff specialized in different areas of Obstetrics and Medical Sciences who would work with me.

The hours at this consultorio would be every day of the week and 24 hours a day in order to make it available to the needs of users.

jueves, 17 de junio de 2010


When I woke up on Tuesday June 15 this year, I thought it would be a normal day like any other, but I was wrong ... my watch alarm was sounded at 6:30 am to wake up and go to classes I had that day at the university, but for some reason the alarm did not sound, so I ended up waking up late, at 7:30 am, had already assumed that I would lose the classes had morning.

I was waiting for the bus as usual to go to the University, at any moment an elderly woman, very unkempt and he called a lot of attention while wearing a yellow coat with pink and green stripes, and it was obvious that the coat was too big for her, approached me to ask that he used to get bus to San Jose Hospital, no problem I said, she was very grateful and gave me a keychain gift that said "World Peace" and smiled when she saw him I thanked him.

At that time both happened the bus we were waiting, we deal with other people who were also at the station, inside I found a running mate who was dressing elegantly enough due to the fact that it had a commitment of work, she barely saw the lady with the showy colored coat began to criticize her, saying that a woman of that age should wear colors quite sober and not wearing on his clothes. Unfortunately it was not the only one that thought so, as many people in the bus turned around to see and comment on their attire. I did not want to do any comment since each one is an owner of deciding on that to put of dressing and also because the lady pleased me very much.

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010


This time I will talk about education and prevention, these activities are very important today in our society because they help us to give people helpful information on a particular topic.

The people can be educated through education plans elaborated by people who specialize in a topic of interest or public concern, these plans can be both exhibitions, as well as interactive. Activities that can be done to educate are workshops or meetings of several sessions for people to be properly informed.

The topics that more treat each other in the area of the health are those who meet major prevalencia in the population, for example: hypertension, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive diseases, between others.

The persons who need this education and prevention are principally those who present a major quantity of factors of risk to hereditary factors suffer them, for example, the sedentarismo, obesity, with habits of high supply in fats, among others. It is also important to provide this education to young people to lead healthier lives so we can prevent these diseases.

The particular issue I'd like to teach, would be how to prevent hypertension, as this is a disease that has increased as the age increases line of people. This disease is due to both biological risk factors (hereditary), as well as to environmental risk factors, such as obesity, sedentary lifestyle, foods with high salt content, among others. This disease as it progresses will affect different target organs of our body.

In Chile we have a few years ago with the plan "AUGE", which is prepared by the ministry of health. This plan is renewed and re-evaluated each year to see how the disease evolves in people, as well as, having more treatments to those who suffer.

jueves, 3 de junio de 2010


This time I will talk about the role of gender in health care and the difference between men and women in labor.

In my opinion today the differences in the working area of health are not so notorious as they were some years ago, in which only one saw them to be employed to the men, for example in the area of medicine, and women are obviated in this profession because it was frowned upon to work because there was not valued his aptitude to realize it and are encased in their role as housewife.

Today, the women have gained protagonism in the labor that they realize in the attention of the health. Following the example of the career of medicine, although it is made predominantly by men, the women have managed to accede to this profession, to receive the same learning, to study in equality of conditions and to obtain the same recognitions that the men receive.

However, despite performing the same profession and having the same capacity to exercise it, it looks more often than men receive higher salary than women. The same applies to the charges to them by men often exercised most important positions in the Health care facilities to women, is very rare to see a woman doctor is the director of a hospital.

If you have seen a remarkable difference in how patients react to being treated by doctors since ancient times, as I mentioned earlier, knowledge is not valued and did not believe they could do their work as doctors or equal better than a man in this area. Today it is very rare to see a user refuses to be served by a woman doctor, is a clear example that gender differences are decreasing slowly over the years.

viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010

BLOG 4: My future as a midwife.

My big dream is to be entitled of midwifery in the University of Chile and to be one of better professionals of the health in this area.

In the future I imagine, working as a midwife in Chile, specifically in the Metropolitan region, either in hospital or in the office, as this might have knowledge of both health systems and to decide which work permanently later.

I would like to work in shifts in both health facilities in the public sector, as well as the private, the ideal would be working during the day in the office attending to the users attending or birth control, and at night be attending hospital emergency departments in the area of obstetrics and delivering babies.

Preferably I would like to work in the public sector, as there are many women who do not have the resources to access private care because in my opinion is closer to the treatment given to pregnant women at the time of going to the consultations or at the time of labor.

Specialization I'd like to follow I have not yet very clear, but I called more attention to the area of neonatology, as I like a lot of babies.

Do not really very interested in having a specific posicion, the most important thing for me is to do my job the best way possible and give the user the best care.

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

BLOG 3: My favorite subject

My favorite subject of the career is "Embryology", which is of utmost importance for our career, this one is a branch of the biology that takes charge studying the formation and development of the embryo and of the fetus in the human species.

In this subject we see detailed what is happening every week of the development of the new being until he is formed completely. The most important contents are those events that happen in the first weeks such as: the fertilization, the segmentation, blastocyst formation, the implantation, the gastrulación, the formation of the nervous system, as well as also of other systems: respiratory, circulatory, digestive, etc.

The easiest topics of the embryology are the events that happen in the first week, such as the fertilization, the segmentation, the implantation and blastocyst formation, and the most difficult topics are those related to the formation of the different systems, as for example the nervous system.

The teacher who taught us the contents of this subject is the doctor Mariana Rojas, who was the manager of the unit of Biology of the development. Other teachers also participated, as Michael Concha, who also made us many of the classes that were taught.

In the practical works that were realized teachers were taking part in the different groups of students for a better learning.

The marks that I obtained on this course were very good, because the topics discussed were very well explained by the teachers, and are also subjects that are closely related to the career I'm studying, so the motivation to study was much higher.

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

Blog 2

The website that most I use and that has relation with the career that I am studying is the page of the faculty, "Aula digital" (http://www.auladigital.med.uchile.cl).
On this site we can find different sections, which are related to different subjects that we studied during the semester, and we can also find information of years and previous courses.
In this page also is published the information related to the Faculty of Medicine and of university community.
We can find information of great usefulness and importance that they have been raised by the teachers and by the same students to facilitate the study to us.

Within the sections you will find: teaching materials, student materials, course details, partial notes, emails of the members, forum, surveys, among others.
Every day I visit this site in order to be informed and to download information has been uploaded for classes or work done.
I love this site as it is of great help to what I am studying the information given to us is very orderly according to subject, which we greatly facilitates access, the notes inform us that we have taken in work or tests in each subject.

jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

Hello! My name is Dennisse Mejías Díaz, I am 20 years old. I live in Santiago.

I am a student of the second year of Obstetrics in the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad de Chile.

I hope to meet objectives in studying this beautiful career, is the ability to participate in the development and growth of the baby from conception to after birth, as well as desire to help and accompany the woman during the most important stage of its life, be oriented with the issue of how to care if they want to start your sexual life, as well as how to maintain a healthy pregnancy.

During the earthquake I was in my house with my family. At the end of it, we realized the disaster that had been, many things that were in the furniture fell and broke. Thank God nothing happened to us physically.

This applied to the race experience made me realize that we would be of great help in the most affected populations, because these lost everything they had, including health centers. Many women who were about to give birth could not be treated according to their condition.

jueves, 15 de abril de 2010