In the last class we had the visit of the Dr. Pedro Maldonado, who realized a presentation about the human brain and the myths of this.
The brain is an organ of the nervous system rich in neurons with specialized functions. It contains about 100 billion neurons, each one can connect with thousands of others made synapses that allows brain function. Thanks to the circuits formed by nervous cells or neurons, is capable of processing sensory information from the exterior world and from the own body, and recovers sensory functions, motor functions and less defined integration features associated with various mental activities.
It is not rare to hear comments and statements about the brain that are far from certain
Among the myths that exist in relation to the human brain is that we only use 10% of this, which has been shown that this is erroneous because the man occupies 100% of this, it yes, not simultaneously. (In fact, only in big epileptic fits it is when it is possible to come to use 100 % of the brain to the unison). We used brain regions depending on the activity we are doing.
In addition, brain scans have shown that when we do work almost all brain areas, including much of this is working while we sleep.
Another myth we have is that the human brain is the biggest, which is false, since there are other animals have major brains than humans. What has demonstrated important in studies of intelligence is not the total brain size, but the relationship between brain and body weight.
In my view the presentation made by Dr. Maldonado was very good and very interesting because it clarified many doubts we had about this issue and we also clarified the myths about our brains.
This topic is very important for my career, because with the information provided we can guide our patients about the importance of the stimulation to infants according to their age and learning that everything is going according to specific period.