jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

BLOG 8: My Ideal Job.

This time I will talk about which would be my ideal job.

When I graduated as a midwife I would like to work in a public health center, but it was different from that already exist in our country. My ideal would be that this consultorio was a very pleasant, friendly and very natural, to the attention of the user during the process of pregnancy, labor and subsequent recovery unforgettable.

I would like the consultorio was located in an area accessible to all users that want to attend, this place should be surrounded by many green areas, for the very natural environment, quiet and clean air to breathe every day.

The kind of people that I especially would like to attend to those users who do not have accessibility to care at a hospital with many luxuries such as those found today, because these are of very high monetary cost.

I would like to be the boss of this new place to put into practice all the ideas I have in mind of what a cozy and pleasant place to live the beautiful process of pregnancy and childbirth.

I would like to specialize in neonatology as well Puerperium, since both are from my total satisfaction, and because my ideal is that both the newborn and the mother are a natural and very specialized care during their stay in the consultorio.

The responsibility for this new health center would be shared with staff specialized in different areas of Obstetrics and Medical Sciences who would work with me.

The hours at this consultorio would be every day of the week and 24 hours a day in order to make it available to the needs of users.

jueves, 17 de junio de 2010


When I woke up on Tuesday June 15 this year, I thought it would be a normal day like any other, but I was wrong ... my watch alarm was sounded at 6:30 am to wake up and go to classes I had that day at the university, but for some reason the alarm did not sound, so I ended up waking up late, at 7:30 am, had already assumed that I would lose the classes had morning.

I was waiting for the bus as usual to go to the University, at any moment an elderly woman, very unkempt and he called a lot of attention while wearing a yellow coat with pink and green stripes, and it was obvious that the coat was too big for her, approached me to ask that he used to get bus to San Jose Hospital, no problem I said, she was very grateful and gave me a keychain gift that said "World Peace" and smiled when she saw him I thanked him.

At that time both happened the bus we were waiting, we deal with other people who were also at the station, inside I found a running mate who was dressing elegantly enough due to the fact that it had a commitment of work, she barely saw the lady with the showy colored coat began to criticize her, saying that a woman of that age should wear colors quite sober and not wearing on his clothes. Unfortunately it was not the only one that thought so, as many people in the bus turned around to see and comment on their attire. I did not want to do any comment since each one is an owner of deciding on that to put of dressing and also because the lady pleased me very much.

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010


This time I will talk about education and prevention, these activities are very important today in our society because they help us to give people helpful information on a particular topic.

The people can be educated through education plans elaborated by people who specialize in a topic of interest or public concern, these plans can be both exhibitions, as well as interactive. Activities that can be done to educate are workshops or meetings of several sessions for people to be properly informed.

The topics that more treat each other in the area of the health are those who meet major prevalencia in the population, for example: hypertension, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive diseases, between others.

The persons who need this education and prevention are principally those who present a major quantity of factors of risk to hereditary factors suffer them, for example, the sedentarismo, obesity, with habits of high supply in fats, among others. It is also important to provide this education to young people to lead healthier lives so we can prevent these diseases.

The particular issue I'd like to teach, would be how to prevent hypertension, as this is a disease that has increased as the age increases line of people. This disease is due to both biological risk factors (hereditary), as well as to environmental risk factors, such as obesity, sedentary lifestyle, foods with high salt content, among others. This disease as it progresses will affect different target organs of our body.

In Chile we have a few years ago with the plan "AUGE", which is prepared by the ministry of health. This plan is renewed and re-evaluated each year to see how the disease evolves in people, as well as, having more treatments to those who suffer.

jueves, 3 de junio de 2010


This time I will talk about the role of gender in health care and the difference between men and women in labor.

In my opinion today the differences in the working area of health are not so notorious as they were some years ago, in which only one saw them to be employed to the men, for example in the area of medicine, and women are obviated in this profession because it was frowned upon to work because there was not valued his aptitude to realize it and are encased in their role as housewife.

Today, the women have gained protagonism in the labor that they realize in the attention of the health. Following the example of the career of medicine, although it is made predominantly by men, the women have managed to accede to this profession, to receive the same learning, to study in equality of conditions and to obtain the same recognitions that the men receive.

However, despite performing the same profession and having the same capacity to exercise it, it looks more often than men receive higher salary than women. The same applies to the charges to them by men often exercised most important positions in the Health care facilities to women, is very rare to see a woman doctor is the director of a hospital.

If you have seen a remarkable difference in how patients react to being treated by doctors since ancient times, as I mentioned earlier, knowledge is not valued and did not believe they could do their work as doctors or equal better than a man in this area. Today it is very rare to see a user refuses to be served by a woman doctor, is a clear example that gender differences are decreasing slowly over the years.